My Role: Directing Camera, Sound, Co-writing

France 5 (France), RTBF (Belgium), TSR (Switzerland).

Festival premiere at FIFA – Montreal

In the spring of 2012, Belgian novelist Amélie Nothomb travelled to Japan, where she spent the first five years of her life and had not visited in more than 15 years. From Tokyo’s teeming streets to the peaceful Golden Pavilion in Kyoto, the author of Stupeur et tremblements reconnects with a world that has never left her. Whether exploring the tsunami-ravaged coastal town of Soma, a few kilometres from Fukushima, or standing, heart pounding, on the doorstep of Nishio-san, her nanny, Amélie Nothomb, whose 21st novel has just been published, is awash in memories.

“There’s nothing wrong with that description above, though it does not capture how wonderful the film is. The many beautiful scenes shot in Japan are almost worth the price of admission unto themselves, but we get lots more than that.” The Montreal Gazette