My role: production team member

Arte (France/Germany)

In late 2015, the United Nations will celebrate its 70th anniversary and inform the world of its detailed assessment of the Millennium Development goals (MDG) launched in 2000, while announcing the new agenda for the next 15 years. Reading the list of these goals, first of which was to eradicate extreme poverty, is all it takes to be convinced of the concrete nature and their indisputable necessity. Yet organizations and activists engaged in the fight for an economic alternative are critical of the UN’s development policy: To avoid hasty judgements, a thorough review is required.

Mozambique: a country that stands poignantly for the dilemmas – and contradictions – related to development policies. However, Mozambique made a major discovery of mineral wealth that seems to promise booming growth and a rosy future… In five to ten years, will one of the poorest countries in the world today become the “tiger of southern Africa”? With this country as a case study, the film will attempt to critically examine the development aid policies.